"This article explores and identifies technological, psycological and social mechanisms activated to disable freedom in the creation of the psycosocial individual, within the framework of the cognitive capitalism or the capitalism of the non material goods. On the other hand, the article experiments the liberation of subjectivities thanks to critical methodologies, like the creation of technological and discursive tools and the execution of new organizational practices. All this thanks to the open door of the Free Software Phylosophy, conceived to free technoscience, cultural productions and sex-affection relationships."
link: http://medialab-prado.es/article/guifinet_red_entre_iguales_y_web_social_libre_para_el_empoderamiento_colectivo
presentación: http://videos.guifi.net/guifimedia/2010-03-27%20conferencia%20a%20Madrid/al_cano_santana-inclusiva-net-guifinet_free_open_n_neutral_network-from_web_20_to_free_web01.pdf
"This article explores and identifies technological, psycological and social mechanisms activated to disable freedom in the creation of the psycosocial individual, within the framework of the cognitive capitalism or the capitalism of the non material goods. On the other hand, the article experiments the liberation of subjectivities...